
 2022-12-28 09:12


摘要(宋体,小四,加粗):肺部占位性病变(Pulmonary space occupying lesion)是一个影像学上的概念,而非指某个具体的疾病,是一种影像学上的肺部改变,是一种比较笼统的说法 。右肺占位(Right lung space occupying)从字面上来看,是指机体右侧肺部出现了一个占位性的病灶。占位性的病变说明的并不是肺部本身存在的组织,而是一个肺部新出现的病变,多呈实质性。右肺占位说明肺部存在一个实质性病灶,但是为确定其良恶性需要进一步检查来明确病灶的性质,如若诊断出恶性肿瘤则应当及早治疗。本次研究的目的:通过探讨临床药师参与下的右肺占位患者的药学监护要点,从而为提高监护水平提供有效的帮助。研究的方法:分析并参与临床药师参与下的1例右肺占位患者从入院到出院以及出院后的随访等临床药物治疗的全过程。研究的结果与结论:研究过程中临床药师主要从肺部占位性病变的所累及着手,对患者进行了有针对性的重点的药学监护,并通过提出适合患者的药物治疗建议、口服用药的用药指导、健康教育等,提高了患者在临床诊疗过程中的积极性,对临床医师的临床诊疗过程起了积极的推动作用,对提高临床治疗水平做了很大的贡献。


Pharmaceutical care of a patient with right lung space occupying

Abstract:Lung space occupying is an imaging concept, not a specific disease, but an imaging lung change, which is a more general statement. Right lung space occupying literally refers to a space occupying lesion in the right lung of the body. The space occupying lesion shows that it is not the tissue of the lung itself, but a new lesion of the lung, mostly substantial. The right lung mass indicates that there is a solid focus in the lung, but further examination is needed to determine the nature of the focus in order to determine its benign and malignant. If a malignant tumor is diagnosed, it should be treated as early as possible. The purpose of this study is to explore the key points of pharmaceutical care for right lung space occupying patients with the participation of clinical pharmacists, so as to provide effective help for improving the level of care. Methods: to analyze and participate in the whole process of clinical drug treatment from admission to discharge and follow-up after discharge of a right lung space occupying patient with the participation of clinical pharmacists. Results and conclusion: in the research process, clinical pharmacists mainly started from the determination of the nature of lung space occupying lesions, whether the lungs were infected or not, and carried out targeted and key pharmaceutical care for the patients, and improved the clinical diagnosis and treatment process of the patients by putting forward appropriate drug treatment suggestions, medication guidance of oral medication, health education, etc Enthusiasm, has played a positive role in promoting the clinical diagnosis and treatment process of clinicians, and has made a great contribution to improving the level of clinical treatment.

Keywords(Timesensp;Newensp;Romanensp;小四号、加粗):Clinical pharmacist;Right lung space occupying ;Pharmaceutical care。


肺部占位(Lung space occupying)是一个影像学上的概念,不是指某个具体的疾病,指一种影像学上的肺部发生病理改变的现象,属于一种比较笼统的说法。右肺占位(Right lung space occupying)从字面上来看,是指机体右侧肺部出现了一个占位性的病灶。占位性的病变说明的并不是肺部本身存在的组织,而是一个肺部新出现的病变,多呈实质性。目前对这种病灶一般有以下几种情况:一、肺部感染性病灶,多为慢性肺部感染,出现了肉芽组织或者形成瘢痕瘤;二、右侧肺囊肿也可以表现为右肺占位,肺囊肿是一种良性的病变,只要没有合并感染就不需要治疗;三、肺部良性肿瘤,包括肺部血管瘤、细胞腺瘤和结节样增生;四、肺部恶性肿瘤,主要指肺癌。在临床治疗肺部占位性疾病的过程中,需要先确定病灶的性质再进行针对性的药物治疗,因为不同性质的病灶其临床诊治的方法也不尽相同。除此之外,在治疗肺占位患者的过程中还需判断肺部是否在发生占位的同时还合并发生肺部感染,因此不同性质的肺部占位需要制定适当的治疗方案和药物监护治疗,尤其是对合并发生肺部感染的患者,因他们还需要用到抗生素类药物,而这类药物的不良反应较多、个体差异大、临床治疗风险相对其他药物较大,此外肺部占位合并肺部感染患者需用到多种药物,为将因用多种药物间发生相互作用而给患者及医疗过程带来的不良事件及医疗困难降到最低水平,对患者进行药学监护是非常有必要的也是非常有意义的。在老年科的两个月的实习时间里,我参与了1例右肺占位患者的药学监护全过程,现对所进行的药学监护进行归纳和总结,希望能为奋斗在临床一线治疗工作的临床药师提供有用的参考,为社会医疗行业进自己一份绵薄的力量。

  1. 概述
  2. 定义及临床特征

肺部占位(Lung space occupying)是一种比较笼统的说法。指的是一个影像学上的概念,不是指某个具体的疾病,是一种影像学上的肺部改变,右肺占位(Right lung space occupying)从字面上来看,是指机体右侧肺部出现了一个占位性的病灶。占位性的病变说明的并不是肺部本身存在的组织,而是一个肺部新出现的病变,即机体“多出来的东西”,多呈实质性。

  1. 占位性质


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