摘 要
Toys are children#39;s angels, and no one will ever forget the joy and inspiration that it once gave. However, with the development of science and technology and the change of human thought, traditional toys in China have received a tremendous impact, and folk toys are fading out of people#39;s lives. The subject of Chinese traditional toys for the study object, through its generation, development and status quo analysis to find out the promotion of traditional Chinese toys, improve the design of Chinese toys approach. After a detailed analysis of the elements that make up the children#39;s toys, it is the best way to inherit and carry forward China#39;s folk toys and folk toy culture by reintroducing Chinese traditional folk children#39;s toys into the mainstream of mass consumption. One of the important ways is to 'redesign' it.
Keywords:Chinese traditional、toys Children#39;s cognition、redesign
中国社会在过去的几十年里发生了翻天覆地的变化。在这种巨变面前,许多传统工艺都受到了前所未有的冲击,民族文化中的许多优秀结晶正在逐步的淡出历史舞台,为人们所遗忘。中国传统玩具就是其中之一。据中国出口玩具协会统计, 2002年我国玩具出口额为99.3亿美元,比上年增加27%,但传统玩具在此期间所占有的份额却是在不断下滑。到2003年,我国玩具生产总量中传统玩具占据的比例己经是微乎其微。由此可见传统玩具的生存与发展问题己经到了必须解决的地步。很多传统玩具作坊以及解放后成立的玩具厂纷纷转产现代玩具,少数还在维持的或是将产品定位在了旅游用品、装饰品、收藏品,或是濒临倒闭。人们对民间玩具正在逐渐失去兴趣。中国传统玩具的现状并不乐观。