Death is an eternal theme for human beings, and also a long-lasting cultural topic. Death theme plays an important part in world literature. Those distinguished writers like Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Franz Kafka and so forth display death theme in their works during different periods. As a spokesman of 'The Lost Generation', Ernest Hemingway also devotes his passion and love to the contemplation on death. From novels to short stories, death is a permanent theme which penetrates into the heroes, heroines and background settings. It is difficult to understand his works without noticing his view of death.
Scholars and academics have done many researches on Hemingwayrsquo;s works. The papers published in the past decades in the three leading Chinese literary periodicals, namely, Foreign Literature Studies, Foreign Literature Review, and Foreign Literatures, and other academic journals, mainly focus on his writing style, unique Iceberg Theory, artistic feature, Code Hero and the spirit of “Grace under pressure”. In contrast, fewer dealt with the theme of death.
Due to the limited approaches, quite a few resources can be obtained. Within 10 foreign papers concerning Hemingway can be found online, only 2 of them focus on death theme. One is Burton R. Pollinrsquo;s Poe and Hemingway on Violance and Death published in English Studies in 1976, and the other is Allen W Rrsquo;s All the Names of Death: Walker Percy and Hemingway published in The Mississippi Quarterly in 1982. Both of them drew a comparison between Hemingway and others under the death theme.
Regarding the research situation on Hemingwayrsquo;s death theme in China, a great number of papers emerged since 1987. Most of them lay stress on Hemingwayrsquo;s consciousness of death, his philosophy of death or his view of death by comparing with other distinguished writersrsquo; in China. In 1998, Wu Jianhua did a research on Hemingwayrsquo;s consciousness of death and published in Foreign Literature Studies. It revealed Hemingwayrsquo;s consciousness of death through his works, and called on people to be aware of both the positive and passive meaning of death. In 2003, Zhu Lirsquo;s On the Hemingwayrsquo;s Philosophy of Death was published in Foreign Literatures Quarterly. It analyzes death theme from the perspective of philosophy which appears to be a more systematic and more scientific way. In 2004, Ou Yanghui wrote a thesis on the purpose of distinguishing the similarities and differences of death consciousness between Lu Xun and Hemingway under different cultural background. This thesis aims to explore their views on individuality, life attitude and death value.
These researches have provided
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