
 2022-11-28 05:11



摘 要:本工程为南京某高校学生宿舍楼的建筑结构设计,采用钢筋混凝土框架结构。 此设计分为建筑设计与和结构设计。建筑设计是根据设计任务书的要求,综合考虑自然地质条件、建筑使用功能、建筑外形及经济等因素,进行平面和空间布置,从而满足适用、安全、经济、美观等要求。主要设计内容包括建筑平面设计、立面设计、剖面设计、楼梯设计等。结构设计是在建筑设计的基础上确定结构方案,选择合理的结构体系进行结构布置,估算构件截面尺寸,进行抗震计算、抗风计算、内力计算、内力组合、框架梁和框架柱的截面设计和配筋计算、基础设计等,并绘制结构施工图。设计成果包括建筑施工图和结构施工图


Architectural and structural Design of a student Dormitory Building in a university in Nanjing


(Department of Civil Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China)

Abstract: This project structural design of a student dormitory building in a university in Nanjing, the reinforced concrete frame structure is adopted. the design is divided into architectural design and structural design. Architectural design is based on the requirements of the design mission, comprehensively considering natural geological conditions, building use functions, building appearance, and economic factors to carry out plane and space layout to meet the requirements of application, safety, economy, and aesthetics. The main design contents include architectural graphic design, elevation design, section design, stair design, etc. Structural design is to determine the structural scheme based on the architectural design, choose a reasonable structural system for structural layout, estimate the section size of the component, perform seismic calculation, internal force calculation, internal force combination, section design and reinforcement calculation of frame beams and columns, Foundation design, etc., and draw structural construction drawings. The design results include building construction drawings and structural construction drawings.

Key words: frame structure; architectural design; structural design; internal force calculation


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