
 2022-07-14 16:45:20




Methods Review of Wastewater Treatment in Shihezi West Industrial Park

Abstract:With the increasing shortage of water resources, the rapid development of modern industry and the growth of urban population, the use of domestic and industrial water has increased dramatically. It is particularly important to purify sewage by separating pollutants from sewage or transforming them into harmless substances by various methods. Industrial wastewater contains a variety of pollutants such as synthetic chemicals, dyes, organic compounds, insoluble organic compounds, heavy metal and so on. If it is not treated, it will be discharged into the nearby water, which will lead to the destruction of the receiving water ecosystem. At present, there are a number of skills that can be used to treat industrial wastewater. In this paper, the commonly used methods of industrial wastewater treatment are reviewed and briefly introduced. Finally, the technology of industrial wastewater treatment is prospected.

Keywords: Industrial wastewater; Treatment technology;Recycling




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