摘要:中国是竹资源大国,竹种资源、竹林面积、竹材蓄积以及竹产品品种、产量均居全球首位,对竹资源物理、力学性能进行合理比较应用,将缓解我国木材供不应求的状态, 有利于更好地发挥竹林的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。力学性能、物理性能是竹材基本的材性指标,也是衡量竹材质量的重要指标,通过对不同竹种尤其是毛竹的深入了解其力学、物理性能,对进一步提高竹材利用率和资源综合利用水平具有重要的学术价值和潜在的前景,同时,对推广竹材在家具中的应用也十分重要。
Comparative Study on physical and mechanical properties of different bamboo species
China is a country with large bamboo resources. Its bamboo species resources, bamboo forest area, bamboo timber accumulation, and bamboo product varieties and output all rank first in the world It will alleviate the situation that the timber supply can not meet the demand in our country, and it is beneficial to bring into play the economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit of bamboo forest. Mechanical Properties and physical properties are the basic indexes of bamboo wood, and also the important indexes to measure the quality of Bamboo Wood It is of great academic value and potential prospect to improve the utilization ratio and comprehensive utilization level of bamboo, and it is also very important to promote the application of bamboo in furniture.
Key words:different species of bamboo; physical properties; mechanical properties; basic density;tensile shear
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