
 2022-07-25 13:40:48

摘 要




With Chinarsquo;s continuously increased enrollment of colleges and universities, the number of college students is increasing rapidly. It is hard to solve the problem that the dormitory is small and the space per capita students have is quite few in a short period of time. Besides, with the development of economy, the number of cosmetics purchased by college students is also increasing. Therefore, designing and researching cosmetic storage furniture is of great importance. However, the cosmetic storage furniture design does not keep up with the pace of the times in our country. By analyzing the cosmetic storage furniture, people will have a further understanding of them. This paper introduces the function and concept of designing cosmetic storage furniture, helping designers fully understand college studentsrsquo; needs for cosmetic storage furniture, design and product reasonably, then making it able to offset the shortfall in college dormitory desktop space shortage. At the same time, it is a good chance to help college students to form the habit of arranging items, which will promote the further improvement of College Students#39; learning conditions and the development of self collation ability.

Keywords:College dormitory; Space; Cosmetic storage furniture; Furniture design; Design research

1 引言

自我国各大高校21世纪开始扩招以来,各种大学生宿舍问题逐渐浮现,究其原因,主要是因为许多高校庞大的基础设施建设是在短时间内完成的,没有对大学生宿舍空间的设计投入足够的精力,没有进行专业设计 [1-3]。同时,随着人际关系、生活环境、收入、消费习惯的变化以及电商舆论的影响,当代大学生购入的化妆品数量也愈来愈多。本文主要分析了大学生宿舍环境、大学生对化妆品收纳家具的需求以及化妆品收纳家具的设计功能和设计理念,意在促进当代大学生对宿舍化妆品收纳方法的学习,使当代设计师逐步了解大学生对于宿舍用化妆品收纳家具的需求,进行合理的设计与生产。

在中国,多数文献资料都是对大学生宿舍中各个家具进行单独介绍,专注研究收纳的书籍不多,专注于化妆品收纳的书籍更少。为了全面了解2010-2017七年间我国学者关于大学生宿舍化妆品收纳家具的研究,笔者主要通过CNKI 中国期刊全文数据库,因有关“大学生宿舍化妆品收纳”的文献较少,故以”大学生宿舍收纳”为主题,以”核心期刊”为范围,进行模糊匹配检索。收集了七年内(2010-2017)相关文献资料约23篇进行综述。

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