
 2022-07-24 09:43:30


摘 要



关键词:色泽 密度 含水率 颜料配比 香料

Study on the finishing process of single petal bean

(Monopetalanthus spp.)imitation Sweet branch wood (Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen )mahogany furniture


Wood color is an important factor in determining visual impression. With the decreasing of natural quality wood, a large number of artificial quick raw materials with single color are replaced. Through dyeing modified low qualitative material and generic rare wood color, can change the present situation of the color monotone, make the wood texture more beautiful, is to improve the wood product added value, meet people#39;s demand for timber color important way. Mahogany furniture has been popular since ancient times, it is hard, wood grain is fine, it has natural beauty texture and solemn material color. However, the production of mahogany is less and less, and the content is scarce, and the price is not acceptable to the ordinary people. The hainan xiangzhi(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen)wood in the mahogany is more exotic.

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