
 2022-07-20 20:18:40


摘 要



Effects of plant fiber blanket on germination of seeds such as canine root


Ecological slope protection relies on the tension and friction of the root system of plants to fix the soil and enhance the stability of the soil. The root growth characteristics of different plants are different, so the selection of slope protection plants is an important part of the ecological slope protection engineering, and whether the plant selection is correct or not will directly determine the protection effect. The plant fiber blanket mainly protects the slope after planting, slows down the runoff, controls the surface erosion, and improves the external conditions of plant survival, so as to achieve the effect of slope greening protection. The comparison of the protection scheme of plant fiber blanket, through the investigation on the germination and growth of plants in the field test area, the cost of plant fiber blanket and the effect of slope protection are comprehensively considered to determine the most suitable production specifications of plant fiber blanket and apply it to the actual slope protection process.

Key words:slope ecological protection;Vegetable fibre blanket;Slope protection plants;Slope protection effect


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