
 2022-07-25 21:22:39


摘 要:本文介绍了木塑集成框剪结构木墙体抗侧性能的研究背景、研究目的及意义,分析了国内外与木塑材料和框剪结构木墙体抗侧性能相关研究的概况,详述了主要研究内容及研究过程,提出了研究的特色及创新。试验将从木塑墙体结构构造入手,对墙体抗侧性能进行测试,在模拟风载、地震作用的情况下对木塑集成框剪结构木墙体进行模拟加载,研究其关键节点应力分布以及变形情况,以考察木塑集成框剪结构木墙体承受侧向力性能的影响因素,为木塑应用到框剪结构的墙体结构及连接设计提供参数保证。


Research WPC wood frame shear wall integrated anti-side performance

Abstract: This paper introduces the research background, research purpose and significance of the anti-side performance of the box-shear wall structure, analyzes the general situation of the research on the anti-side performance of the wall frame with frame-shear structure at home and abroad, details the main research contents and research Process, put forward the research characteristics and innovation. Any building must be designed to be sufficiently safe to withstand the expected loads during its useful life. As a key component of wooden structure, framed and cut wooden walls, when subjected to strong winds and earthquakes, Cause damage to non-structural components can cause damage to components, the need for maintenance and other issues. The test will study the anti-side performance of the wooden frame with frame-shear structure under the effect of wind loads and earthquakes to investigate the factors that will affect the lateral force performance of the frame-shear wall.

Keywords : Wood Plastic Composites(WPC); frame shear wall; lateral resistance; anti-lateral parameter

1 前言

1.1 木结构建筑的发展


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