
 2022-07-25 21:16:21


摘 要:单板条层积材(PSL)作为一种重要的建筑用材,本文以中山杉PSL为研究对象,对其密度与抗弯行为相关性进行探究,综述了中山杉PSL再国内外的研究,对PSL密度与抗弯行为相关性的研究内容和目的进行了阐述。依据抗弯弹性模量和静曲强度在密度影响下的变化规律,为中山杉PSL在建筑中的应用提供参考。


The Construction of Studying on the Correlation between Densities and Bending Behavior of Parallel Strand Lumber

Abstract: Parallel strand lumber as an important building material. The article uses Taxodium distichumtimes;T.mucronaturm parallel strand lumber as the research object. Exploring the relationship between its densities and bending behavior, reviews the current situation of Taxodium distichumtimes;T.mucronaturm parallel strand lumber at home and board. Moreover, it also elaborates the content, purpose and significance of this research. Last but not least, analyzing the change law of the bending modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture under the influence of density, and providing reference for the application of Taxodium distichumtimes;T.mucronaturm parallel strand lumber in construction.

Keywords: Parallel Strand Lumber; Taxodium distichumtimes;T.mucronaturm; Density; The Bending Modulus of Elasticity; Modulus of Rupture

  1. 中山杉的研究概述



  1. 木材力学性能的研究概况

2.1 国内研究现状

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