
 2022-07-26 16:16:06

Eye Movements Predict Recollective Experience

  • Tali Sharot ,
  • Matthew L. Davidson,
  • Meredith M. Carson,
  • Elizabeth A. Phelps

  • Published: August 6, 2008
  • https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0002884


Previously encountered stimuli can bring to mind a vivid memory of the episodic context in which the stimulus was first experienced (“remembered” stimuli), or can simply seem familiar (“known” stimuli). Past studies suggest that more attentional resources are required to encode stimuli that are subsequently remembered than known. However, it is unclear if the attentional resources are distributed differently during encoding and recognition of remembered and known stimuli. Here, we record eye movements while participants encode photos, and later while indicating whether the photos are remembered, known or new. Eye fixations were more clustered during both encoding and recognition of remembered photos relative to known photos. Thus, recognition of photos that bring to mind a vivid memory for the episodic context in which they were experienced is associated with less distributed overt attention during encoding and recognition. The results suggest that remembering is related to encoding of a few distinct details of a photo rather than the photo as a whole. In turn, during recognition remembering may be trigged by enhanced memory for the salient details of the photos.




Citation: Sharot T, Davidson ML, Carson MM, Phelps EA (2008) Eye Movements Predict Recollective Experience. PLoS ONE 3(8): e2884. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0002884

Editor: Jan Lauwereyns, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Received: June 22, 2008; Accepted: July 10, 2008; Published: August 6, 2008

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