
 2022-07-26 15:58:08




Health pot logistics and packaging design

Abstract:With the rapid development of network technology, online shopping gradually spread throughout the country. In order to achieve timely and accurate delivery, the express delivery industry has made rapid progress. However, the pace of development and the quality of personnel, management experience and infrastructure do not match. In particular, cargo damage often occurs. Therefore, for example, in the case of a small household electric kettle, to deal with the problem of crude handling, which leads to the damage of the goods, it is necessary to express the innovation in the design of the packaging structure so that the packaging can effectively reduce the damage rate of the fragile glass in the logistics and transportation and improve the service quality and logistics Level. This paper focuses on the research of logistics transportation at home and abroad. Proposed innovative design direction and purpose.

关键词:health pot fragile cushion packaging




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