
 2022-07-25 21:03:08


摘 要




With the advent of Internet era, e-commerce has got a rapid development, bringing giant opportunities into our life. An increasing number of customers has been accustomed to consumption online, which brings an enormous amount of challenges and threatens to traditional retailers and enterprises. In the e-commerce era, all the industries are taking a positive attitude to seek a better and more stable development mode. For the liquor industry, the majority of enterprises are copying inherent experience of others. They found it difficult to get a development platform or mode to show their own advantages except the existing electronic business platform like www.jiuxian.com .Under such circumstances, it is necessary to take an upgrade for the liquor industry. O2O(Online To Offline) mode is a tendency for traditional retailers being electronic enterprises offline. This paper is aimed at reflecting on how liquor industry gets a suitable development in the e-commerce era. The main line of research is O2O mode and the typical case is Xijiu.

Key words: E-commerce; O2O; Liquor Industry


  1. 对O2O模式的理解

O2O一词最早提出于2010年8月,出自TrailPay创始人兼CEO Alex Rampell在美国科技资讯的博客,该词引入国内立马受到业内人士的许可和追捧。他提出:“线上的网络购物者,消费者每年花费约1000美元,假使普通美国人年收入为4万美元,那么剩余的39000美元到哪里了?答案是,大部分都在本地实体店消费了,人们会把钱花在餐厅、酒吧、美容店、KTV、电影院、美发店、干洗店等。”O2O的使命,就是把电子商务引入目前消费中占比90%以上的部分中去。

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