
 2022-07-17 16:52:19



关键词:竹集成材;构件;力学性能; 制备工艺,结构应用

Research on properties of bamboo composite material

Abstract: Bamboo composite material is a new type of building material with potential for development, which is superior to traditional wood and green building materials, such as concrete and masonry, in physical properties. At present, the research on bamboo composite material is still not mature enough, most of the research mainly aims at the basic mechanical properties of materials and the axial compression performance of components, bending properties, etc., there is little research on the eccentric compression performance of bamboo composite column. In the actual structural engineering, there are very few ideal axial compression members, even the components designed according to the axial pressure, will also be due to accidental transverse load, support conditions are not ideal or the deviation of construction production and other situations and additional bending moment. Therefore, it is very meaningful to study the basic mechanical properties of the partial pressure member of Bamboo composite material.

Keywords: Bamboo set material; component; mechanical properties; Preparation process, Structure application




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