
 2022-07-17 16:24:11


近年来,随着我国经济技术的飞速发展以及社会的不断进步,我国的建筑行业建设有了长足的飞跃,其使用的施工技术种类也得到了很大程度的发展。其中,混凝土装配式住宅施工技术了得到了政府以及整个建筑行业圈内的重视和发展。究其原因,则是因为近几年党和政府大力推进绿色施工,我国建筑业正向着环保、低耗、可持续的方向发展。同时我国房地产业的发展已经从单纯地追求数量、速度向追求居住环境、绿色健康的方向转换。装配式建筑特别是装配式住宅则是完成这一转换的主要方式。我国“十三五”规划以及19 号文中都提到要促进建筑业绿色、持续、健康发展,推广预制构件使用,大力发展装配式住宅,力争用10年左右的时间,实现装配式建筑面积中的比例达到30%,这无疑是装配式建筑发展的一大契机。本文主要阐述了装配式住宅的概念、技术优势、制约因素,以及其施工要点和未来的展望。



In recent years, with the rapid development of China#39;s economic and technological as well as social progress, China#39;s construction industry has made great leap construction. Among them, the construction technology of concrete-assembled houses has received attention and development within the government and the entire construction industry. The reason is that the party and the government have vigorously promoted green construction in recent years, and China#39;s construction industry is developing in an environmentally friendly, low-consumption and sustainable direction. At the same time, the development of China#39;s real estate industry has changed from simply pursuing quantity and speed to pursuing living environment and green health. Prefabricated buildings, especially fabricated houses, are the primary means of accomplishing this conversion. China#39;s '13th Five-Year Plan' and the 19th article all mentioned the need to promote the green, sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry, promote the use of prefabricated components, and vigorously develop prefabricated houses. Strive to achieve 30% of the assembled building area in about 10 years. This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for the development of fabricated buildings. This paper mainly expounds the concept, technical advantages, constraints of the assembly house, as well as its construction points and future prospects.

Key words: Prefabricated house; Technical advantages; Constraints and deficiencies; Construction points; Future prospects




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