
 2022-07-17 16:22:06


摘 要


本文从互联网 的智慧城市入手,分析智慧城市对邻里中心的优化能力,同时在分析人民的购物需求及其行为的基础上,探寻相关邻里中心在设计中能够实现一体化和智慧化的途径。


关键词:智慧城市;互联网 ;邻里中心;设计方案


The rapid urbanization process has brought a series of problems to urban planning, construction, operation and development, resulting in urban economic development imbalance, environmental construction imbalance, social management instability, and urban operation disorder. The neighborhood center is an emerging concept to solve this problem, and the construction effect has been widely recognized by urban residents. With the construction of the city, the planning problems of the neighborhood center are gradually exposed.

This paper starts with the smart city of Internet , analyzes the smart city#39;s ability to optimize the neighborhood center, and analyzed the people#39;s shopping needs and behaviors, explores the ways in which relevant neighborhood centers can realize integration and intelligence in design.

The first part of this paper is an introduction to the article. It mainly introduces the related research of the neighborhood center, clarifies the purpose and significance of the research, and introduces the research plan and research framework. The second part is a literature review, which reviews the related theories of neighborhood centers and smart cities and summarizes them.

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