
 2022-08-03 11:11:56





Our country has entered a new era of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and will gradually realize an overall well-to-do society and socialist modernization. From the perspective of national development strategy and overall consideration, improving the high-level national highway network is an urgent need for an overall well-to-do society and realizing modernization. It is also an important condition for enhancing national competitiveness in the context of economic globalization and sharing economy. Therefore, it is very necessary and urgent to improve the national high-grade highway network as soon as possible. As a public infrastructure indispensable to national economic development, social development and peoples livelihood, the national highway network is an important indicator of a countrys economic strength and modernization. The speed of development of highway construction is of great significance to promoting the development of the national economy and stimulating the development of other related industries.

关键词:公路; 发展规划; 再生技术; 转型升级;绿色低碳

Key words: highway; development planning; Regeneration technology; upgrade; Green and low carbon



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