
 2022-07-22 02:07




Research on the development of original bamboo

Abstract: the mechanical properties of bamboo are similar to those of wood. Moreover, bamboo resources are abundant in China. They can be used as building blocks instead of wood. Therefore, the research and application of bamboo in China has attracted widespread attention in recent years. Bamboo resources are extremely rich in China. The area, species, volume and harvest of bamboos are among the top of the world. Bamboo has short growth cycle and 3-5a can grow into wood. It is a renewable resource and has great value in development. This paper first introduces the appearance, physical properties of bamboo and the research on the mechanical properties of bamboo at home and abroad, points out the focus of the current research and the shortage of bamboo in the wood properties, as well as the general situation of the modern industrial bamboo (i.e. modified bamboo), which is not enough to improve it, and then the bamboo and the conventional building materials are carried out. In comparison, the advantages and disadvantages of bamboo are pointed out. Finally, it points out the great prospect and significance of bamboo development.

Key words: original bamboo, bamboo building, physical properties, mechanical properties, green building.

伴随人口剧增和城市化进程加快,高层钢筋混凝土结构依旧是建筑主流,但在国家大力倡导绿色建筑材料和装配式建筑的浪潮下,越来越多的学者将目光投向了中国自古以来就闻名世界的木结构建筑。随着世界范围内人类无节制的乱砍乱伐,木材资源日益减少,质量不断下降,主要表现在大径级天然林,成熟林逐步消失,取而代之的是人工速生中幼林[1]。我国林木资源稀缺,人均木材占有量远低于世界平均水平 [2],家居装饰等对木材的需求更是导致木材成本昂贵。竹林是中国森林资源的重要组成部分,产量居世界第一,是世界上最主要的产竹国之一[3]。1995年张齐生院士首先提出“以竹代木”的构想,竹材的力学性能与木材力学性能相近,且我国竹资源丰富,可以作为木材的替代品使用到建筑结构中。因此,竹材在我国的研究应用在近年来开始受到广泛学者的关注。

建筑材料的全球性紧缺是十分令人担忧的问题,特别在发展中国家。木材及其他传统建筑材料的短缺及相应的价格上涨使以竹为原料的房屋建筑数量不断增加。仅亚洲地区每年就需要 75 万套新建住房来满足新增人口和旧房更新的需求。1993年至1998年,菲律宾廉价住房的需求为 380 万套。


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