
 2022-08-03 11:08


摘 要 近年来,我国社会经济的发展,人民生活水平的极大提高。对建筑的设计要求不断



关键词 供配电系统; 一次设计; 变压器

引 言 楼宇总降压变电所及配电系统设计,是根据各个设备的负荷数量和性质,生产工艺对负荷的要求,以及负荷布局,结合国家供电情况。解决对各部门的安全可靠,经济的分配电能问题。其基本内容有负荷计算,楼宇总降压配电间的位置和主变压器的台数及容量选择,楼宇总降压配电间的位置和主变压器的台数及容量选择,楼宇总降压配电间主接线设计数,确定变电所高、地接线方式,根据楼宇负荷情况,从技术和经济合理性确定楼宇配电电压,楼宇供、配电系统短路电流计算,高、低压侧设备选择,防雷装置设计。

Abstract The design of building general step-down substation and distribution system is based on the quantity and nature of the load of each equipment, the load requirement of production process and the layout of load, combined with the state power supply. To solve the problem of the safety and reliability of various departments and the energy distribution of the economy. The basic content of load calculation, selection of number and capacity building location total step-down power distribution room and main transformer, select the location number and capacity building general step-down power distribution room and main transformer, building general step-down power distribution between the main wiring design, the substation, grounding line, according to the load of the building from the technical and economic rationality, determine the distribution voltage calculation for buildings, buildings, power system short-circuit current, high voltage and low voltage side equipment, lightning protection device design.

Key words power supply and distribution system; primary design; transformer

1 供配电设计概况

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