
 2022-07-30 04:07


摘要: 杨树是我国的主要种植树种之一,其具有适应能力强、分布范围广、速生且轮伐期短、成材率高、用途广泛等特点,具有很高的经济价值。修枝是杨树人工林培育中的一项重要的抚育管理措施,研究表明适度合理的修枝对杨树的生长、成材质量和单株材积均有显著的影响。目前,我国人工种植杨树存在修枝方法不当甚至不修枝等现象,其主要原因是国内修枝机械相对比较落后,存在劳动强度大、安全性差、修枝效率低下、修枝质量差、修枝高度达不到要求等问题。因此对智能化自动化的修枝机器人的研究就有着很大的现实意义。


Optimized Design of Intelligent Tree-climbing Pruning Robot

Abstract: Poplar is one of the main planting species in China. It has the characteristics of strong adaptability, wide distribution range, fast growth, short rotation period, high yield and wide application. It has high economic value. Pruning is an important tending management measure in the cultivation of poplar plantations. Studies have shown that moderately reasonable pruning has a significant impact on the growth, quality and individual plant volume of poplar. At present, the fast-growing forests in China have improper pruning methods and even no pruning. The main reason is that the pruning machinery in the forest area is relatively backward, and there are labor intensity, poor safety, low pruning efficiency, poor pruning quality, pruning The height does not meet the requirements and other issues. Therefore, the research on intelligent automated pruning robot has great practical significance.

Keywords: Poplar;Pruning;Tree-climbing; Robot

1、 课题研究目的和意义


杨树是我国东北、华北、华中、西北等地区的主要种植树种之一 ,其具有适应性强、生长快、等优点,经济价值很高,所以在绿化和经济林方面采用较多。


2002年,江苏省政府启动了绿色江苏项目, 人工杨树的种植便一发而不可收,已扩大到淮安、盐城、宿迁、徐州、连云港的几乎每一个县,并逐渐成为支柱产业。近年更是发展迅速,有关数据透露,江苏省目前杨树总面积达 500多万亩,株数达4亿多株,占全省现有林地面积的44.5%,江苏省杨树林成片面积、蓄积量居全国第一。[1, 2]

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