
 2022-07-22 15:15:18

文 献 综 述


摘 要



Portable badminton ball machine design

In order to solve the problems of poor service of the trainer, bad training of the badminton players due to heavy workload of the trainer and difficulty of carrying the badminton machine, the present invention provides a portable, battery-driven, outdoor-use Portable badminton machine design. Simplify the teeing principle and thus simplify the structure of the ball machine to facilitate manufacturing and processing, cost savings, and can significantly improve the portability of the serve machine. Ball mechanism can be effective, coordinated with the ball striking mechanism, so that the relative position of the controlled placement badminton simple portable badminton ball machine. It can provide beginners with the opportunity to practice the ball anytime, anywhere, with a wide range of application requirements and the importance of reality.

1 课题研究目的和意义


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